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COVID-19 Information Hub
Researching antibodies to target COVID-19
AstraZeneca is joining forces with government and academia with the aim of discovering novel coronavirus-neutralising antibodies. Harnessing internal expertise and via new collaborations, the aim is to identify monoclonal antibodies that have the potential to recognise, bind to and neutralise the SARS-CoV-2 virus, to decrease the impact of COVID-19.
Designation based on unprecedented results from the Phase III ADAURA trial where TAGRISSO reduced the risk of disease recurrence or death by c. 80%
FARXIGA significantly reduced the worsening of renal function or risk of death in patients with chronic kidney disease with and without type 2 diabetes
Approval based on Phase III ETHOS trial which showed a statistically significant reduction in the rate of exacerbations compared with dual-combination therapies
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We’re pleased to announce that the @US_FDA has granted breakthrough therapy designation for the ADAURA trial in the… http://t.co/2trmvSvA5w
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RT @AstraZeneca: Today we’re sharing results from a strong first half, in addition to progress made in our scientific pursuit to address th…
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Dr. John Pagel, hematologist and oncologist at @Swedish, reflects on the long-term data presented at #ASCO20 and… http://t.co/M2XRW0Lgxr
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The Path Forward, Evolving the Current Healthcare System
Important Discoveries in Asthma
Nonprofits Innovate to Solve Health Challenges and STEM Shortages
Employees Lead the Way through Volunteerism and Giving
The Critical Need for Understanding the Complexities of Chronic Kidney Disease
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Caring for a Loved One with COPD
AstraZeneca’s Commitment to Improving the Lives of Patients with Renal-Cardio Disease
Vanessa Lachey on RSV, and Protecting Your Little Ones’ Lungs This Season
What’s Changed during 17 Years with Metastatic Breast Cancer?
Clinical Trial Endpoints in Cancer Research: Four Terms You Should Know
7th Annual Women’s Summit Challenges Employees to Believe, Lead, Change
3 Ways We’re Supporting the Blood Cancer Community
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This is the Future: Immuno-Oncology is Redefining Cancer Treatment
Celebrating Inclusion and Diversity during LGBTQA Pride Month
4 Big Ways Employees Gave Back during “Power of Us Week”
5 Ways We’re Fighting Cancer in the US
What We’re Watching During ASCO 2018
Reducing the Burden of Diabetes: 3 Takeaways from the ADA’s Recent Report
Patient Advocacy Leader Shares Advice for People Living with Bladder Cancer
Making Some Sense of Lung Cancer
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Bob Harper on Connecting with Fellow Heart Attack Survivors
Meet the Survivors Have Heart Essay Contest Winners
Here’s What Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients Want You to Know
A Year’s Worth of Giving: Our 2017 Power of Us Impact
Moving Forward as a Heart Attack Survivor
Employees Give Back to those Affected by Natural Disasters in 2017
Stories of Hope from People with Lymphoma
Advancing STEM through the Health & Science Innovation Challenge
More than a Tagline: Delivering Value to Patients
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Why We’re Talking about CVMD
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Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer: Swimmer Raises Awareness and Research Funding
5 Important Things to Know About Lung Cancer
Expanding Treatment Options to Address Unmet Need in Blood Cancer
Employees Donate their Time to Support Communities during Power of Us Week
Personalizing Lung Cancer: Why Testing Matters
Making Science Understandable and Accessible for Cancer Patients
How the CHEST Foundation is Addressing the Needs of Severe Asthma Patients
Knowing Your Options When Facing Advanced Bladder Cancer
Advancing Science and Accelerating Innovation in the BioHealth Capital Region
A New Approach to Reducing Lung Cancer Deaths and Extending Lives
Throughout 2016 on our blog, we shared interviews with patients; news about partnerships and initiatives that help support patients and science; stories that illustrate our focus on advancing patient health and access to care; and much more. From the dozens of blog posts we published this year, we put together a list of some of our favorites that we want to make sure you catch before the year is over.
Stigma, Genetics and Hope: 11 Years with Lung Cancer
In 2005, Melissa Crouse was diagnosed with lung cancer and given three to five years to live. Eleven years later, Melissa continues to manage her disease while giving back to the lung cancer community and getting the most out of life. Melissa shares her perspective on living with lung cancer, understanding the importance of biomarkers, and remaining hopeful.
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By Kevin Fitzpatrick, CEO, CancerLinQ LLC
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When it comes to cancer treatment, one size does not fit all. Of the estimated 1.6 million Americans who will be diagnosed with cancer in 2016, no two will be exactly the same. More and more, we’re hearing (and using) buzzwords to this effect: Personalized healthcare. Precision medicine. Targeted therapy.
What Getting ON IT Means to Me for American Diabetes Month®
By Dr. Phil McGraw
As someone who has lived with type 2 diabetes for more than 25 years, I understand the day-to-day issues that accompany managing a lifelong disease. It’s important to me to amplify the conversation around these challenges that people living with type 2 diabetes experience.
How the Type 2 Diabetes Patient Community is Unifying their Voice Online
While online conversations about diabetes are on the rise and people with diabetes have cultivated the Diabetes Online Community (#DOC) as a way to connect with one another, those living with type 2 diabetes seem to play a less active part in the dialogue. To help strengthen and elevate the voices of type 2 diabetes advocates, AstraZeneca recently hosted members of the type 2 community for DiabetesLinkup: In It 2gether.
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As seasonal viruses begin to circulate this autumn, there is no better time to educate new and expecting parents of a common virus contracted by nearly 100 percent of infants by the age of two – Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). RSV disease is the leading cause of hospitalization for babies in the US during their first year of life, and can cause up to approximately 200 infant deaths in the US each year.
Navigating Cancer Clinical Trials: Where to Start
When patients are diagnosed with cancer, the following questions may be top of mind as they begin their treatment journey: Should I consider joining a clinical trial? What does clinical trial participation entail? How can I locate the most appropriate clinical trial for my particular disease? How do I actually enroll in a clinical trial?
One Brave Idea $75 Million Research Award for Coronary Heart Disease Winner Announced
AstraZeneca, the American Heart Association (AHA) and Verily (formerly Google Life Sciences) announced Wednesday that Dr. Calum MacRae is the recipient of a $75 million research award to study coronary heart disease (CHD) and its consequences.
When doctors diagnosed Kristin Johnson St. Goddard with metastatic breast cancer, she was given 18 months to live. Fast forward 18 years and different treatment regimens - Kristin is still going strong. While some days are challenging, she continues to lead a good life, and remains hopeful that one day, there will be a cure. See her story.
New Resource Offers 24/7 Support for those with Mental Illness
Nine years ago, Danei Edelen was established in her career as a marketing executive and happily raising a family with her husband in Ohio. Then something unexpected happened. “After five nights of no sleep, hallucinations, I sought hospitalization,” Danei said. She subsequently learned she had experienced a psychotic break caused by an underlying and undiagnosed mental illness called bipolar disorder.
The Power of Diversity Celebrated at AstraZeneca’s 5th Annual Women’s Summit
“Leadership is surrounding yourself with others who do not think like you and bringing out the best in those people.”
“Fostering diversity does not need justification; it is simply the right thing to do.”
“Diversity fuels innovation; a team needs individuals who approach challenges differently.”
These messages were among those heard by hundreds of our employees last month at the 5th Annual Women’s Summit held on our Gaithersburg campus.
Connecting the Dots of Hereditary Cancer
By Sue Friedman, DVM, founder and Executive Director, Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE)
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Making Medicine Personal in Cancer Treatments
Cancer is one of mankind’s greatest scientific and health challenges. Today, nearly 14.5 million Americans[1] have cancer and the total annual cost of their treatment is estimated at $125 billion[2]. With astonishing numbers like these, it’s more important than ever before that patients receive the best care possible while effectively managing overall costs to the healthcare system.
Not long ago, Emma Waldman was a fifth grader just outside of Boston, Massachusetts, disengaged from her classes in science and math. “[They] were always hard to conceptualize, I never really saw them as practical or important,” says Emma. She is certainly not alone; 83% of students in the United States are not proficient or not interested in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields by eighth grade.
Making Medicine Personal in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health
Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases are complex and require life-long attention. Patients need to address many factors — from preventive measures, to care at the onset of disease to ongoing disease management. Our goal at AstraZeneca is to reduce the high cost of long-term complications with comprehensive support programs and resources that provide a thoughtful, personalized approach. We do this to help patients adhere to their treatment, reduce re-admission rates and change the course of disease by improving quality of care and ensuring that innovative medicines are being researched and accessible to patients in a timely manner.
Mobile Savings and Support App Offers Patients New Ways to Manage Health
When managing your health, convenience is key. We all want tools that enable us to lead healthier lives while saving us time and money. That’s why AstraZeneca is introducing an industry leading digital support program called AZhelps, built to help you better manage your AstraZeneca medications and your health.
Patient influencers bring medical meetings to life online
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Harnessing the Immune System to Potentially Revolutionize Cancer Treatment for Patients
This year alone, nearly 1.7 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in the United States. A patient newly diagnosed with cancer, after absorbing the unwanted news from his or her physician, will want to know, “What treatments will I need? Where do I begin?”
Purposeful Collaboration: Teaming Up to Increase Community Impact
AstraZeneca recently hosted a number of non-profit partners at our North America Headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware for an event, entitled Purposeful Collaboration, which was developed based on their interest in collaborating across organizational lines for greater impact.
Your health and that of your loved ones is one of the most important aspects of life. It’s also the most important aspect of our work. For more than 40 years, we’ve addressed respiratory challenges to improve millions of lives – and we’re not slowing down.
By Topher Brooke, Vice President, U.S. Diabetes, AstraZeneca
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For patients with chronic pain, taking a prescribed opioid treatment for long-term pain management may provide pain relief but can also cause opioid-induced constipation (OIC). However, some patients may not realize that constipation is one of the most common side effects of their prescription opioid treatment.
Science of Novel Drug Delivery in Respiratory Medicine
What exactly is Co-Suspension Technology? In our recent blog post, find facts about Co-Suspension Technology to answer this question.
A Patient’s Perspective during Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week
By Jessica Tar, patient advocate
2010 was truly a year that delivered the worst to my life. In April, the unexpected death of my father, a non-smoker, from lung cancer, revealed the mystery of this disease and at times, its unidentifiable origins. My shock was to be exceeded just nine months after my father’s death when I received the news of my own diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma.
Why People with Type 2 Diabetes Should Start a Walking Program
Today, more than 145 million adults in the United States include walking as part of a physically active lifestyle, and this staple exercise continues to grow in popularity. After all, walking can be done just about anywhere and, for most, is as simple as putting one foot in front of the other.
Perspectives on Cardiovascular Disease: a Multi-Faceted Condition
By Steven Zelenkofske, DO, Vice President, US Medical Affairs, Cardiovascular, AstraZeneca
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Bringing Medical Meetings to Everyone via Social Media
Social media takes medical meetings beyond the convention center walls to provide a real-time yet enduring story of patient experiences, scientific breakthroughs and inspirational speakers. It opens the meetings up to anyone, whether they have a deep or passing interest in all or any of the subjects being discussed, while democratizing the sharing of information.
What science can do
If you are passionate about science, these stories will show you how the latest and most exciting projects we have been working on and the people behind them.